::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

"like flies to honey...or maggots to rotten meat"

June 13, 2003
stars. they are absolutely beautiful. some of the things i love most in this world take the form of stars. the weird thing is though...i don't really have any 'star shapes' anywhere in my room or..anywhere. i need to work on that. glow in the dark sticky stars don't count.

how is it that i can have so many bad nights in a row..and then have one totally good night that makes me forget all the rest? amazing minds have crossed my path before, but never had i given in and just let myself be caught up in the feeling. i am an emotional person..this is true..but my emotion only goes so far before i try to hide it from others. of course, most people wouldn't believe this because i am so vocal about how i feel most of the time, but those emotions aren't truly emotion. it's just words...if thats makes any sense.

my dad has always tried to protect me from everything. from feeling and thinking like a normal human being. in doing this though, he has taught me that independence is the only way to go. by trying to mold me into something...he has actually made me a stronger person for going against the current and doing my own thing. i believe i will always need someone else's help in my life. whether it is an "emotional" help or a "finacial" help (god no)..i will always need someone. now don't quote me on this because i am likely to deny ever having said this..just know that i admitted it. once.

rain is so satisfying in that depressing sad kinda way. i always got kinda happy when i saw it was raining because i knew that i wouldnt have to hide my feelings that day. everyone would be upset...and they would just blame my attitude on the rain. no questions asked. funny how the weather works in my favor like that.

ryan, you said dave could hang out with us tomorrow and not sean paul..well you know what?? i don't care what you say..i'll bring who i like! and you'll just have to suck it up!! love ya though..

i think everyone should use "air freshener thingys" (sorry) cause they make everything smell good. really. i don't see any reason to not get one. besides that fact that they may be expensive. well here ya go: wal-mart $0.97. get one. jeremy, i love you. just so you know. i love your jokes too...keep 'em coming!

2:23 a.m. ::
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