::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

goodbye jacqui

June 17, 2003
oh wow. jacqui lindy was killed last night. there simply is no way to process this thought. i went to school with her, i talked to her, i saw her everyday. we joked about stuff (mostly katie) and now she's not here. she was beautiful, she made every room brighter with her in it. no lie. she was stunning. i just can't seem to really think that she's gone. jacqui, the girl i graduated with last month. jacqui, the girl that made katie laugh all the time. jacqui, the girl that all the guys wanted but couldn't have because of her loyalty to her boyfriend. i remember the first time i saw her. she was so pretty and carried herself with such confidence..i was sure she was a snob. as i talked to her though, i realized she was so normal and down to earth..there was no way she could be a snob. i just can't believe she's gone.

jacqui, this world is going to be so different without you. i wish i'd known you like katie. what i did know of you was awesome. so many people are going to hurt now that you're gone, myself included. i can't seem to process a complete thought since i've heard the news. just be sure to watch over katie okay? both katie l. and katie r. they'll miss you so much. thanks for laughing with me.

12:06 p.m. ::
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