::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

let the juices start flowing!

August 28, 2003
there are times...when you've just had enough.

i don't think my parents and i will ever fully come to an understanding. about ANYTHING. we are from two very different worlds; which is strange considering they raised me. no matter what the topic, it always ends up with some sort of argument. the upside to this (and it's a small one) is that i am hardly ever home anymore. and when i do come home, it is usually late (or early) and they are sleeping or at work. i will never see where they get their views from, nor will they see mine. it's a lost cause. and that's just sad.

i just spent 11 hours at work. 5 of those hours where spent eyeing a very promising specimen. i'd say panera has moved up slightly.

life is about to get good in the next 24 hours. i can hardly wait for the fun to begin!

12:00 a.m. ::
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