::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

water is important people...don't waste!!

September 05, 2003
an interesting life i lead, to say the least.

i went for a walk last night with jeremy. not altogether unusual since we do that almost every night anyway. we sat and talked for an hour and then decided to walk down the street and make a loop before heading back. as we walked we heard gushing water going down the drains on the street. i figured it was a sprinkler, but it was actually a fire hydrant that was leaking tons of water everywhere. jeremy and i looked at each other and then we decided to use our handy dandy cell phones to call that 311 number we've heard about.

bad idea.

turns out, that number is located in jefferson county and they couldn't help us. so we decided to knock on a persons door and see if they could do something about it.

another bad idea.

since it was about 1am, this guy was not all that pleased we had knocked. and furthermore, he wouldn't open the door until we had given our life story. now, i don't blame him exactly. it was early (or late) and it was a little odd, and this is the city and you can never be too careful. finally, he came outside and admitted he had went to put his gun away before coming outside. he said that someone had broken into a bunch of cars the night before (his included) and he was a bit nervous.

but anyway. the fire hydrant.

turns out it had been on all day and nobody had done anything about it. jeremy and i left not having solved the problem...a bit scared of the guy with a gun..and bewildered that NOBODY had bothered to call anyone about the fire hydrant.

things have been wonderful for me lately. i would love to be writing about it all, but truthfully..there aren't words to describe whats been happening. i've gotten a lot of things figured out, a lot of loose ends tied up, and best of all...i'm feeling amazing! i feel like i'm coming full cirle. not quite there yet, but almost.

yes, life is good.

2:11 p.m. ::
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