::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

walmart sets the stage for a night of fun

September 16, 2003
i can safely say that i may have met my match.

enter: Rick Leffler

i made fun of him, he made fun of me right back. i gave him some crap about boys, he gave me some right back. i tried to lift a heavy box, he laughed at me. i had paint on me ear, he told me. i didn't know where the Red Wings played, he said he felt hurt. we had banana milkshakes and made fun of the table next to us. i wanted a real banana to go with my shake but i chickened out when i came to asking for one. he did it for me.

now thats a keeper.


after much searching, i finally found a word for ryan.

of course, i probably shouldn't tell him because either A)he'll be confused about how i mean it..or B)he'll let it go to his head.

but fair is fair.

ryan: ambidextrous

here is your clue: it's all in the hands.

12:10 p.m. ::
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