::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

the beginnings of a great day

September 23, 2003
it's such a wonderful feeling to find someone you like. and i mean, truly like. of course, whenever you're "with" someone, there is always that initial attraction. there are times though, when you find someone you really connect with and just enjoy the little things. like late night conversations, driving around, and making fun of each other.

with almost every relationship i've had, there has always been something that just isn't right. like a piece is missing, and no matter how much i want to find it, it will always be missing from the relationship.

very rarely do i find someone who i honestly enjoy being with, and spending time with, and taking it one step at a time. i'm the sort of person who just "goes for it" without stopping to think. and sadly, every time i do that, it usually ends up...ending.

but, there is a bright spot in all of this.

if i hadn't been so "go for it" and then ended the relationship later, then i wouldn't have met someone i would much rather be with. someone who makes things so different in every sense of the word, and someone i honestly enjoy being with.



i took drama classes for four years in school, i was in a few plays, and even wrote a few. i never expected it to go any farther than class, because well, class is just class.

but alas, the drama has followed me to work.

i guess i should have expected it. i mean, the people i work with aren't exactly what you would call mature. and apparently, their lives are so empty that they like to talk about others.

it was a sad day when i realized that i (the third youngest person working at panera) am more mature than 98% of the people i work with.

an insane world i live in.

11:49 a.m. ::
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