::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

mature minds only

October 16, 2003
in true diaryland fashion, i am about to unleash upon you a few "minor little details" about life.


guys are wimps.

honestly, they think the world is going to come to an end if they get kicked in the *cough* lower vicinity, and they claim that it is the most painful thing in the world.

and yes, i'm sure it's quite painful.

but you have NO IDEA (unless you are female) what it feels like to want to rip out your insides, throw them on the ground and stomp on them until all your anger and aggression has subsided.

this, my guy friends, is called PAIN.

and every single month, women everywhere go through it and get a lot of crap for it because we're being "moody" or "bitchy". well you know what? you'd be pretty moody too if you were leaking for four-seven days straight.

yes, this is pretty graphic, but grow up. i could be saying worse things.


i worked tonight, and let me tell you, it was interesting.

the highlight of the whole night revolved around one middle aged lady.

we had the following conversation around 8:30pm:

lady-"is the columbian decaf the only decaf coffee you have?"

me-"yes, i'm sorry."

lady-"well i don't want it, it tastes like shlong, and i don't want shlong flavored coffee."


lady-"i don't want shlong flavored coffee."

and that was it.

forgive me if i spelled "shlong" wrong, i was assuming it was spelled like it sounds.


the simple joys in life are the best.

i bought new socks today, and i can't wait to wear them.

i bought my NEW CAR it's first air freshener. so now my car smells like mangos. yummy.

i talked to rick a few times already today, and i can't wait to talk again. even if we don't have much to say.

i made a new friend at work, and invited her to a football game on saturday.

katie is in town, and when she came into work tonight i smacked her on the butt. HARD. needless to say, my hand is quite sore. i got her good.


alright, my loyal readers. it's off to bed (or something like it).

tomorrow is friday.

three days left....

10:20 p.m. ::
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