::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

all hail to juror #44!

November 11, 2003
It was a bittersweet morning, my friends.

I got a summons for jury duty last week, and although I was excited, the thought of missing the big $$$ from working put me in somewhat of a slump.

I faithfully did (what I thought) was going to be my patriotic duty though, and went downtown early this morning to serve.

Ha. What a joke.

I watched a little video of the judicial system and it's history, I sat on a cold bench for 15 minutes, and then was asked a million questions.

The verdict?

I wasn't good enough to serve on a jury today.

And so, I have to call back tonight (after 5pm) and see if they spared me the rest of the week, or if I have to give up my work hours again and pay two dollars for parking.

Good grief.

On the brighter side of things, I am juror #44 and I get a nifty little badge to wear.

11:50 a.m. ::
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