::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

intense burning passion

December 13, 2003
I hate the holiday shopping season.

I decide at the last moment to turn into Target. Big mistake. After going into "parking space battle" with 57 other cars, silently cursing other drivers and manuvering my way into the stupid store, I totally forgot what I had wanted to get in the first place.



I spent two and a half hours at Barnes and Noble tonight, and I learned this:

I have this burning urge to learn. About EVERYTHING.

I have so many different interests, and I want to know as much as I possibly can about all of them. I can literally feel the excitement inside of me at the thought. Mmmmmmm.


Love is nothing without Him.

Rick told me that last night, and I thought about it all day. He said that his love is nothing without God, and that it's because of God that he is able to love me like he does.

I have never felt a love like his. It's strange, because I felt that about the only other guy I thought I loved. I thought that I would never have another relationship that surpassed those emotions that I felt.

I was wrong.

So many things are different now. I don't view love like I used to. I look, speak to, and think about Rick differently than anyone in my life.

It's a strange emotion.

But I am in love.

7:08 p.m. ::
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