::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

I should be getting ready for church, but I'm online instead. Skewed priorities? Maybe...

March 20, 2004
Rick and I had our "Super Duper Date Night" last night.

Guess who came up with that wonderful name. Heh.

We went to dinner at Olive Garden, drove around for a while and then went to see The Passion of the Christ (I had to write that all out, the movie deserves a whole title).

The movie itself was very good. Parts of it were very moving, but there were times when I couldn't get past the fact that it was just a movie.

Granted, I know that it's a true story. I just find the bible easier to learn from than a movie. Hollywood is still Hollywood.

I thought I would have been bawling in the theatre. I thought that I would have come out a changed person, eager to do the will of a Wonderful God. Instead, I sat there, shocked at what was taking place-not crying. I walked out with many mixed emotions as well, and sat with Rick until late at night, talking about it.

I had a hard time dealing with the message-"The wages of sin is death." I don't think that I deserve to die. I don't think anyone deserves it, and it upset me to hear that. So we changed the message around a bit-"The wages of sin are separation from God. Eternally."

After that, I didn't feel like all hope had been lost. Choices are what it's about.

9:19 a.m. ::
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