::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

As I eat a piece of cake...

May 30, 2004
To be truly in love, you have to be able to tell your parents.

If you can't tell your parents that you are in love with someone, then it is sooooo obvious that you aren't mature enough to actually be in love anyway. Right?

I used to think I'd been "in love" twice. Yep, at ninteen years of age, I have been in love twice. Well, with this new revelation I just had, it brings the total down to once. I have only been "in love" once.

I have NEVER been able to tell my parents about my relationships. Especially when I was younger. As I've grown older, it's become easier, but never have I been able to tell them that I loved someone. Never have I been able to say "I love you" to someone in front of them. I always thought that it was just how I am. I'm just a private person who values her private life being private...right? Uh, no. I do value those things, but until this year, I was also very immature. Well my friends, I just did something I have never ever done before.

I had a talk with my parents...and told them I was in love. I had an adult conversation and told them how I felt for someone else...and didn't feel weird about it. There is hope for me yet...

10:49 p.m. ::
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