::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

I have faith

July 19, 2004
I have issues with bugs. Call it a phobia, but I hate bugs with a passion. Whenever I'm outside for long periods on time, I always feel like bugs are crawling all over me. I then proceed to brush my shoulders and the back of my neck until satisfied...which isn't until I go inside anyway. It's horrible.

The worst is when I'm laying in bed.

The slightest little tingle on my leg, or tiniest itch causes me to search my bed for bugs. I'm convinced that they're everywhere and it freaks me out. I'm not a dirty person, so my fears don't really have much behind them.

Except the fact that I'm weird:)


I learned how to drive with my knee tonight.

I was bored, four blocks from my house, and decided to give it a try.

Turns out that I have a knack for knee-driving. Watch out roadies!


I discovered that God really does calm me.

I found this out today during my ten hour shift at work. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I was irriatble, hungry and tired. I had gotten to work at 5:30am, and had just about had it with people. I was singing songs to myself, and making dumb jokes, but nothing could put me in a better mood. To make it worse, I developed a stomach ache about an hour before I was supposed to leave.

Anyway. I left work in an awful mood. All I wanted to do was write about my day and vent my frusterations on the computer...except I was too tired.

Good thing that I didn't. Because if I had, it all would have been meaningless now. I gave myself time to chill and not be so upset (something I rarely do) and God took care of the rest. Neato huh?


I am the highway.

10:44 p.m. ::
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