::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Just leave it alone.

September 23, 2004
My obvious hurt and disgust at the "Rick Situation" (as we have fondly come to call it) has warranted some pretty strong opinions about my personality and coping ability...or lack thereof.

I consider myself to be a strong person. In fact, I have dealt with many situations that people my age haven't (and may not ever) have to deal with. And I think that I turned out okay. Yes, I break down sometimes. We all do. It happens.

However, passing judgement on something that you know nothing about isn't cool.

I have held myself in check more times than I can count, and I don't blurt out comments that could be considered hurtful as much as I used to. I have grown up a lot in the past five months, and it just isn't my way to insult someone for the pleasure of insults, and I DO NOT depend on others for my happiness.

But when you love someone, and they are suddenly gone, it's harder than you think to just deal.

Maybe if some people weren't such cold emotional stones, they'd better understand what it means to care about someone more than you care about yourself.

Goodness. I have said a lot in a few paragraphs. I'll be back when I can put this in a more orderly fashion.

1:46 p.m. ::
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