::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

A sea filled with thoughts and emotion.

September 24, 2004
I grew up believing that honesty would only get you into trouble. Every time I had an opinion, I would usually keep quiet about it for fear that it would somehow turn and come back to me in a horrible way. After much growing up, I have realized that there IS something to be said about honesty. It CAN be used tactfully, and it's a common building block for all relationships. However, after telling someone the honest truth about what I thought, I recieved the following:

Honestly, I considered saying the same about your knowledge of me. Everything you know about me is nothing more than what I want you to know. I'm just as fake as the next guy when I want to be, and when I'm around you, I usually want to be.

Oh, and stop lying to yourself. You do it constantly, and it's one of the first things I noticed about you. You are at least as guilty of selfishness as I am, if not more so. You even admitted it to me once. Open your mind up a little, and stop telling yourself that you're better than everyone else, cause you're an emotional train wreck. Again, and again, and again...

You're right about Rick, I know very little about that situation, aside from me having to talk to you for two hours before you stopped crying about how you were sure it was all your fault. I just know a fairly good amount about relationships in general, and also about your personality (you're like a book, don't tell me I know nothing about you), so I'm just guessing that he finally got fed up with all the bullshit. And don't patronize me.

Again, I caution you to never go into a subject you know nothing about. However smart you may think you are, you are (very doubtfully, at best) nowhere near the point of understanding. This can be said for myself as well, which is where the word TACT comes in. The point of actually being hurtful is where the line should be drawn, but obviously, some of us have a lot to learn.

As for my "being an open book": everyone can read, but few can really understand what they're reading.

I don't think I am better than anyone else; if fact, I think that I am quite humble compared to some. Everyone is selfish to a point, so please don't act like this makes me a bad person. In most aspects of my life, I am a very selfless person, but then..if you were any friend of mine, you'd already know this.

As for Rick, that subject will NOT be touched any further. I have stopped writing about it, and stopped talking about it altogether. Our relationship was something you could never understand, so don't go there.

You are entitled to your own opinions of me, and that's fine. Just don't act like you've been faking who you are the whole time I've known you. Underneath the asshole exterior, there is a good person there. Yes, I did cry on the phone to you. And yes, when we dated I was going through a lot of emotional things. But holding those against me now is hardly an accurate judge of the person I am today. In reality, you know nothing of the person I am now, and given the current circumstances, you may never find out.

I am sorry for the distorted image you have of me, and even more sorry that you felt the need to tell me those things. Hurting your feelings was never my intention, but it seems to have been yours.

Enjoy the rest of your trip and have a good birthday.

2:45 p.m. ::
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