::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

If I could just...

October 26, 2004
So, I have been rather depressed lately.

Okay, a lot depressed lately.

It's still a mystery as to why, but this isn't a huge surprise..I figured it would be back.

I broke down last Friday. I just started crying and couldn't stop, I drove around for hours, and finally ended up at Starbucks as a last resort. My job has always held a sense of comfort for me, even back at Panera. It's always been such a separate part of my life, an escape if you will. Rarely have I let my job and personal life mix, and so it was out of mere comfort that I went there. I needed to escape.

It didn't work well.

I just couldn't (still can't) pinpoint a reason for it; and although there are many reasons behind my unhappiness, none of them are enough to depress me anymore. Until the other night, I thought I was done with this part of my life...and it's obvious that I'm not.

I'm just "broken" right now. Not confused about life, and not even severely stressed. Just broken.

8:06 p.m. ::
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