::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Bad drivers, stupid voters, birthdays and starbursts.

November 02, 2004

What a day.

First of all, let me say that Tennessee drivers suck.

You people can't drive...just stay home.

I didn't vote. DID NOT VOTE. Me. No voting happenin' here.

I was actually feeling bad about it (although I had some very good reasons for doing so), and then I began my day.

Everywhere I went, I heard talk about Bush. I heard talk about Kerry. I heard talk about the draft, and raising taxes. I heard so much that I wanted to tape my ears shut and I swear I would've been content with such drastic measures. Honest.

The final straw came around 7pm tonight.

I had to go to a meeting at church, and as usual, I was running a bit late. So, it came as a huge surprise when I saw the parking lot was almost full. The parking lot is never full on Tuesday nights, but tonight, nearly every space was occupied.

Then I noticed the people holding signs. Political signs.

I swear, I almost turned my car around and left. It was horrible.

Why they held voting in a church, I don't know. I refuse to believe that there wasn't a better place to do it, and the mere fact that they were mixing something ugly and hateful with something beautiful and wonderful is enough to make me sick.

Separation of church and state. I'd thought we'd been through this.

So tonight is my brother's birthday. The big thirteen.

Sadly (and with much sarcastic regret), I had to work and attend a very important meeting. I made it home by 8, but apparently, it wasn't good enough.

My dad said I should have taken time off work.

I was given a guilt trip about going to my meeting.

My brother asked why I wasn't home. And everyone just kinda looked at me.

Holy hell people. I am not the girl I once was. Expecting me to sit at home and watch t.v will only leave you disappointed. I have commitments, bills to pay, and schoolwork that I just CANNOT take a break from.

Respect it, love me and move on.

I never was the perfect sister, and the perfect daughter I'll never be. I can only do what makes me feel happy and fulfilled, and to be in my life, you need to support it and support me.

Now, I didn't forget about my brother's birthday at all. I bought him a gift, and wrote him a long note in his card. I felt bad I couldn't go out to eat, and therefore was ready to hang out with him tonight.

I did not, however, expect to be bombarded the second I walked in the door.

So I'm sitting here. In my room. Watching t.v.

Oh the irony.

I got a present tonight.


9:25 p.m. ::
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