::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Meet me in the crowd. Throw your love around. Love me.

November 08, 2004

I had my test of muscles today. Well, the first part of muscles...there is soooo much more to cover.

Kill me now.

I got a C. Now, a C isn't bad in itself. Trust me, normally I'd be happy...but I could've done so much better.

I set incredibly high standards for myself...it's sickening.

I'm thinking I want to drive to Knoxville this weekend.

Katie is there, and I haven't been up in awhile. I miss her because she is my only female friend for miles....and we're so much alike that it's scary.

Except she's a little crazier than I am...likes cars...and is usually in a state of extreme all the time...

I love her though. She gets my jokes and understands my sarcastic comments.

So I think a day trip to Knoxville this Saturday is in order.

Bring on the Nelly and zebra cakes.

9:47 a.m. ::
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