::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Holy crap. You know you're upsetting me..so knock it off.

November 10, 2004
Am I a big joke to you guys?

Okay..some of you..don't answer.

As for those who aren't in the mood to be fiesty, am I really that fun to make fun of?

I can dish it out, and I can take it too. There is a line though, that gets crossed more often than it should...and I hate that.

I know I can be a little uptight about things, and place the blame where you would like on that one....but why do people feel a constant need to push my buttons until I get upset? Are my expressions just so darn funny that you can't resist? Or are you trying to better the world by getting me to lighten up?

How about you don't make fun of me endlessly, and just be my loving and supportive friends?

Does anyone else see a theme with my entries lately?

Hmmmmm. Let's consider that for a moment.

7:04 p.m. ::
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