::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

A llama named Tina, con panna, and Mr. Perfect

March 06, 2005
I haven't updated since my Tarnation entry...and there really isn't a reason for that.

I've just been busy with life.

Spring break has just started, and I'm looking forward to this week...maybe a little too much. I figure it's just what I need to restore my faith in good education. I'll let you know how it goes.

I wish there was more to report, honest. The only thing I've done that is worth telling lately is take some amazing pictures...and who really cares about that anyway? Lazy Time has already started, so don't expect an entry every day just because it's spring break:)

On a side note: I hope I didn't offend anyone with my previous entry. It wasn't my intention, and if that's the case, my sincere apologies. I must write how I feel though, and understanding is all I ask.

I digress.

It's too beautiful a day.

Work was interesting. I walked in half dead, scratchy throat, feet dragging. Yep, picture of despair. That was me at 8:30am.

As the day progressed, things got better. Justin came in, and that's always interesting. He likes to think he's perfect..and funny. I hate that, and I try to bring him down a notch every chance I get. Problem is, he really is hilarious and his work ethic is incredible.

Justin: "Hey girl, how YOU doin'?"
Me: "Uh, fine."
Justin: "Yeeeeeeeah you are!"

See? He thinks he's clever. And funny.

I also started to get sleepy, so I asked Justin to fix me something to wake me up a bit.

What did I get? A quad Con Panna.

For those of you who aren't coffee savvy, this is four shots of espresso with whip cream on top. No flavor. Just straight espresso. I've been building up my tolerance to straight espresso for months now, but even this was over the top. So I put two pumps of caramel in it and continued to sip. Not bad, I suggest it if you have the guts for something like that.

Despite the wonderful energy boost, it was short lived. Espresso dehydrates you when you drink it straight, and so I had lots of water as well. Therefore balancing any effects I would have retained from it. I became sleepy again, and began to sing songs. Veggie tales, Bjork, Amy Studt....I even began quoting Napoleon Dynamite.

Yep. That was my Sunday afternoon.

3:20 p.m. ::
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