::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

I am so totally leaving in a month..

May 11, 2005
I just read Monica's entry and her list. She mentioned camp, and it got me thinking....


Goodness. I will be in California for two whole months. Away from Starbucks, away from my family, away from my friends...away from good ol' Tennessee.

I am so happy and so scared at the same time.

Scared because I'll be living somewhere that I've never been or seen, working with people I've never met, doing things I've never done, and stepping completely outside my comfort zone (so to speak) simply on a whim. Okay, a somewhat thought-out whim.

Happy because I'll be back on the West Coast, working with kids, doing artsy things with them, camping and hiking, making friends, becoming closer to God, and continuing to build my relationship with Seth.

I don't think I could ask for a better summer.

All right, maybe one with my sister inserted somewhere in there....some avocados....a day spent in the middle of the city....and the most fantastic garden burger I've ever tasted.

All in good time.

Cheers to a great summer.

To mine and yours.

11:03 a.m. ::
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