::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

A random conversation from two random girls

May 15, 2005
If anyone has ever doubted Heather Lynn and I and our ability to get along and mesh well...read the following:

Actual Conversation That Took Place

HL-"I heard Coldplay's new song...and I don't like it much."
Me-"I think it's all right."
HL-"I do, however, like the new Oasis song."
Me (singing)-"Heeeeeeeeeeey Li-LA!"
Me-"I don't think I like the name Lila."
HL-"Me neither. Sounds too much like Lily."
Me-"I like lilacs though. But I don't think I'd name my kid that..."
HL-"Yeah. Well I like petunias, but I totally wouldn't name my kid that!"
Laughter all around.
HL-"Wait, how do you spell petunia?"
HL-"That is NOT how you spell petunia!"
Me-"Yes it is!!"
(At this point we ask the expert opinion of one of our regular customers who spends hours sitting on his laptop writing his book)
HL-"Hey Ken! How do you spell petunia?"
Me-"See? I told you."
HL (to me)-"Shut up." (To Tim): Could you Microsoft spell check that for me?"

Yep. For all of you who doubted the fact that Heather Lynn and I actually do get along...perfect example. This conversation lasted all of about a minute...and we went from Coldplay-->Oasis-->Lilies-->Lilacs-->Petunias-->Call on Ken-->Spell check.

We're awesome. Admit it.

2:29 p.m. ::
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