::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

The only thing I can "mostly" count on...gone for four days:(

May 23, 2005

I just got my rental car. A Nissan Sentra. Can I get a ewwwwwwwwww?

I loathe this car.

Technically, I'm not even supposed to be driving it. Since I only have liability insurance rather than full coverage (college student=very poor), the rental car place didn't want to rent the car to me.

So, they rented it to my dad.

He drove the car to our house, and I followed in his car. Another Honda, newer than mine.

He asked me "So, do you want to drive my car?" and considering the alternative...I chose the alternative.

No way I'm driving my dad's car for four days or more. He'd be on me constantly for being out late, driving too fast, driving too much, and basically having a life.


Now I'm stuck with this horrid car that smells like other people and way too much car cleaner. It feels weird, it looks weird, and I don't feel happy driving it.

When we left the body shop, I whispered "Bye baby" to my car. I miss it. My trusty oil leaking, somewhat dirty, dented, old, busted speaker, hardly AC'd, darling of a car.

I hate today.

8:37 a.m. ::
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