::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Green sugar bowls of happiness

September 14, 2005
I came out of work today with a prize.

A tiny little green sugar bowl.

It's cute, it's little, it serves no practical purpose for me at home, and it's green.

A guy at work broke the little cream dish that matched it while he was dusting, and so I scored the bowl. Left alone because it couldn't be sold without it's partner.

Of course, now that I have it, I have no idea what I'm actually going to do with it. Right now, it's sitting next to me where I can look at it and play with the little sugar spoon whenever I want to.

I just like to jingle the spoon around in the bowl and listen to the clinking noise.

I'm pathetic. No need to tell me.

5:58 a.m. ::
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