::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

"I'm coming slow, but speeding..."

November 14, 2005
Today has been strange.

To start with, I woke up three hours late. My phone decided to stop at 9:59am, and I woke up around 2pm. The phone seemed frozen, and I was in a panic. Three hours late starting my day....remember that. I ran downstairs to use the house phone, and it wasn't responding to my button pushes. Again, me, freaking out (and still half asleep).

So I ran back upstairs to my brothers room to use his phone. It has a bad connection, but luckily I was able to get through to who I needed and explain my tardiness.

That was the beginning of my day.

After taking a shower and trying to iron my pants (which apparently have it out for me...they refuse to be ironed!) I went to my dad's office to drop off a memory card. Then, on to WalMart.

WalMart is always an experience, and today was no exception.

In the checkout line (which was completely packed), I met a woman. She asked me to watch her cart so she could get some "hair color" and then ran off. I didn't have a problem with watching the cart, but the longer she was gone, the more I became suspicious. Was I on one of those reality prank shows? Could this woman have picked me out of a million WalMart shoppers just to set me up for a joke?

Sadly, my life is not that interesting, and while that would have been an awesome prank for t.v....it was not destined to happen to me. Today.

The clincher came when I was checking out. The lady behind me (formally known as 'suspected prankster') and the checkout lady got into a conversation about me. With me standing there. They talked about my hair, my face, and my overall "cuteness". I must smiled and said "Thank you" a million times before I finally escaped into an overcast afternoon.

So, that's my day so far. It's not even 5pm, and I'm sure there is more strangeness (is that even a word?) to be had. I'll keep you posted.


In an entirely unrelated topic, I starting to think that Christian is a dirty word.

In an effort to dissipate from preconceived notions and what actually is, I am going to explain what it means to be a Christian. To me.

Simply put, I love life.

I love walking outside and smelling the air, seeing the colors, and feeling the wind. The world is so incredibly beautiful, and I love waking up every single day and being able to see it. This doesn't mean that I don't have bad days, but regardless of those days...the world has an undeniable beauty that fascinates me.

I also love people.

Don't misunderstand that though, I still don't understand a majority of the human race. People irritate me everyday, and watching the news only confuses me more. I don't think I will ever understand why people do and say the things that they do....but I'm okay with that. I am able to put up with all of those differences because I am a Christian. Because I know God on an intimate level, I am able to look past so many things in this world and just be happy. Again, don't get me wrong here. I still have days where I am utterly frustrated with people and life and even God Himself. I let things bother me, and I clam up just like any normal person would. The difference? I am still able to get up in the morning and be thankful.

I also am who I am with no regrets.

I mess up all the time, and I still think back to times when I totally screwed something up. I get down on myself, and sometimes wonder "What if". However, I like who I've become. I like what God has helped me to see in myself, and I am able to grow every single day and feel no regrets for moments that have passed.

Do I think that I am the "stereotypical" Christian? No way.

I don't think gay marriage is a bad idea. When it comes to politics, and I neither a Republican or Democrat. I am for Stem Cell Research. I'd rather be hiking in the mountains or doing something outside than sitting in church. I like the motto "Everything in moderation". And I dislike judgements, hurtful words, and throwing God's Word in the faces of others.

Christianity to me is love and life. Loving people and loving the life you have. Period.

Just wanted to clear that up:)

3:58 p.m. ::
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