::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Revelations of a Wednesday night.

February 09, 2006
I am glad that I am me.

I am truthful. And if I wasn't, then I wouldn't be me.

Today is a new day. One that is filled with blue sky, coffee, and laughter. I don't need anything but this day, and as tomorrow starts to come, I won't need anything but that either.

It's almost as though I have depended too much on other people for parts of my happiness to exist. And I always have to remember that in doing so, I am creating a potentially dangerous situation. Emotionally.

It's always something I learn the hard way. And I'm okay with that.

Because I wouldn't be me if I didn't learn things the hard way.

What I am really saying is, the embarrassment of yesterday still remains. Letting down the only guard I had left, and finding that nobody was coming (or even wanted to) invade anyway.

I love metaphors.

And so, in the embarrassment of life, I staying away. For many, many reasons.

2:15 p.m. ::
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