::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

I have zero integrity....and a new friend who will die soon.

April 11, 2006
I swear, if one more lady comes up to me telling me I look like I need a makeover...I will scream.

Twice today. Twice, I had two women come up to me and tell me that I looked "just perfect" for a Mary Kay makeover. The first time, I was at work. The second, I was minding my own business at WalMart when she stopped me in the aisle (very cleverly blocking me in with my own cart...the hag).

Excuse me, but maybe the reason I "look" like I "need" your silly makeover is because I have been fighting off the stomach flu for the past 24 hours. And naturally, the way to get someone to do what you want is to insult them.

And ask them to fill out your form with you little pink pen. Don't forget to pour on the unwanted compliments as well.

One of them actually had the audacity to say to me "So, can I count on you to have some integrity and come to my makeover party?"

I wanted to say No. No you cannot count on me to do something as silly as wake up at 10am on a Saturday so you can give me a makeover and tell me everything that is wrong with my face AND suggest I buy five hundred dollars worth of products to fix it. No lady.

I didn't say that though. I simply smiled and politely talked my way out of any sort of commitment. Yeah, she's calling me tomorrow.

The bright spot in my whole day came as I was walking into WalMart.

The flower section outside.

I love those cheap little flowers, and I like to pick that saddest looking ones so, they too, will have a chance to fulfill their destiny. Tonight, I found one that looks like a marigold....and I named him Buddy. Yes, my flower is a boy.

Named Buddy.

Buddy and I had an ordeal of sorts at the gas station as well. Let's just say that I now HATE Chevron (this was a long time coming) and snotty seventeen year old attendents with bushy eyebrows.

I think it's safe to say that I dislike most things right now.

Except my new flower. And my apple candles.

10:44 p.m. ::
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