::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Another beginning, for as long as it lasts.

May 01, 2006
I was a raging bitch today.

I even told one of my coworkers that I was sorry, and he said to me "Well, if this is you raging, you can't be all that bad."

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

My head has been spinning out of control lately. My thoughts move faster than I am able to process them, and it is the cause of much annoyance and frustration.

(And so you are all aware of the tone this entry is going to take, I am currently listening to "Mad World" on repeat).

Today, I saw a guy wearing a track jacket that said Oxford on it. I became a little suspicious and asked him if he had really gone there, or was just wearing the jacket. He gave me a blank look and said he bought it at Old Navy.

I just walked away.

Sometimes, I wish that I could step outside myself and observe. I wish I could just stand and watch people, their interactions, their eye rolls.

I wish that, for one day, I could be invisble.

That way, nobody would have any expectations for my behavior or appearence. I could just be.

Be without regard for the little things that people make so big; be with my feet bare and dangling. Headphones glued to my ears.

I wish you guys could see what I see. Physically, emotionally, and everything in between.

1:01 a.m. ::
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