::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."


May 10, 2006
I feel like I need to disappear for awhile.

I swear, if I could, I would get in my car and drive five hours just to throw balls of sand into a lake.

Since the snow has melted and all...

My week has been a series of mistakes. One after the other; they continue and make me feel as though I am a mess. I know this to be untrue, but I am unable to stop myself from feeling said feelings.

I can't give myself enough distance.

I have become so positive of the rejection and pain that will ultimately come as a result of my "head first" dive into it all.

The feeling is almost equivalent to running into a flock of birds because you want to see them fly in crazy directions. At the exact moment you decide to do so, nothing would please you more than to run into that flock and hear their wings start to go crazy with thoughts of getting away. It's funny, it's beautiful, and it's satisfying.

The fact that you might take a wing in your face or a beak in your eyeball is merely an afterthought. Because for a moment, you are acting in impulse.

And what do you care anyway? You are just a reader among many.

The layers are numerous, and layer one is yours for the taking.

2:02 a.m. ::
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