::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

These nights are okay.

June 26, 2006
I just wrote Heather Lynn a long myspace comment.

I had to do so because she doesn't have diaryland anymore. She wrote twice, forgot her own password, and locked herself out of her account. It was quite funny when she told me her frustrated story; then she got myspace and claimed it was the "wave of the future" and "if you don't join your social life will shrivel up and die." I refused many times, finally giving in because she wouldn't let up.

Oh, the irony.

I miss my best friend.

True, I have my sister here, whom I love dearly. It just isn't the same though. Nobody understands my 'phases', my drive to live life, my art that I keep secret, and my random sense of humor. I miss her like crazy.

Some days, I feel more alone than the beginning of my Seattle adventure. It seems that the more I start to fit in, the more I realize that certain things can't be replaced by a move across country.

Like best friends. And little brothers.

I want someone to look at me and say "I want to know you." I want to look at someone and know that they "get it".

Whatever it may be.

Some days, I look around me and wonder how I came to be. I am a product of many enviroments, and trying to combine and work them into my new one is hard.

I don't miss everything. Just the little things.

Like driving through the Starbucks drive thru on a Friday night before hitting the pool hall. I miss that.

2:32 a.m. ::
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