::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Let the story be told.

July 20, 2006

What is it about anyway?

Does the quality of my life go down because I don't finish college this year? Or next? What about the year after that?

Am I doomed to spend my life alone because a relationship failed? Or failed to just grow like I wanted it to?

Am I the bad kid because I drink every single weekend? Or the goody goody because I don't?

Does the fact that I take myself seriously diminish my good qualities? Like my ability to love everything and everyone, my deep loyalty to those I am close to, and my intellectual conversation holding skills?

Am I wrong because I simply want to float through my life, enjoying everything, and trying not to take a single thing for granted? Is it wrong to be this whimsical?

Does it honestly matter where I am next year? Where my path is taking me? What my plans are?

Is it okay that I will never be the girl working that damn 9-5 job? 10-6 maybe...but never a 9-5...

And what if I never end up looking like that incredibly beautiful woman you saw the other day? Should I be worried about how everyone sees me?

I just want to know.

I am going where I am going. I am going to see wonderful things, have crazy expieriences, hurt people, and be hurt. So, even if I never graduate, see the entire world, and lose the chub on my sides....at least I can say I lived.


12:50 a.m. ::
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