::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

rain, rain go away...

August 13, 2003
the day started out uneventful...gradually got worse..then better..then it got boring.

all in all, my day really didn't start until about 11:45pm. yep, i only had 15 official minutes left when my day was off and running!

i got to see the new place where dustin lives, and it was quite charming. although smaller, it has much potential to be a chick magnet. providing that sarah doesn't care much.

i also learned some very interesting things tonight about a friend of mine..and i won't share because they are somewhat confusing and a bit on the "biggest jerk alive" side. i won't bring it up now.

my jokes have been a big hit with the panera crowd. those one liners kill me!! i have a new joke about two strings if anyone wants to hear it.

i finally realized that i am solely doing this for my own pleasure. writing in my diary that is. nobody ever reads it, and i don't think that many people care anyway. thats okay though because i find some sort of satisfaction in writing about my day..even if it's boring to other people. nobody can ever say i'm holding back.

check out the quote on my "yesterday" page. it's perfect.

2:35 a.m. ::
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