::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

see? they aren't all jerks! there is hope after all..

October 25, 2003
yesterday was my one month anniversary with rick.

i didn't expect anything. i didn't really think about it at all during the day. i just figured that he was like most guys, and would let it pass unnoticed. i mean, one month isn't that big of a deal, right?

but it is.

the things we've shared in a month have been amazing. and to say the least, i am content and happy at this point in my life.

like always, i am getting off the point...

i arrived at isaac's apartment last night to get everyone rounded up for a game of goony golf. the second i walked in the door i noticed a huge bouquet of roses sitting on the counter. without any actual thought, i assumed they were somebody else's. i asked isaac anyway:

me-"wow. those are nice! who do those belong to?"

isaac-"oh, some hot girl. go check and see."

i walk up and look at the card. and then i look again. and then a third time. finally, i realized it was true. they were mine!!

a bunch of pink roses all for me. *sigh*

i will never figure guys out.

4:02 p.m. ::
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