::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

send a little advice my way, will ya?

November 02, 2003
I recieved a nice note from Dustin today on my new "happy" status, and I thought I should write about it.

Yes, truly, there are many things in my life that are making me happy right now. Church, friends, Rick, and even work are treating me good. I've finally arrived at some sort of peace in my life, and it's been great.

I suppose though, that all of this is just a mask of sorts. Just a clever way to hide what it really going on, and what is still to come. I would like to say that I fully trust in the Lord, but it's hard. It's hard to believe that everything is going to get better from here, because I know that it's not.

The stresses of daily life still eat away at me, thoughts of money and bills are a constant in my head, and my future is still in the air. None of these things are going to go away anytime soon, and believing that they will would just be a naive undertaking on my part.

Family situations are most bothersome, as well. I haven't come to terms with many things dealing with my family, and try as I might, I can't seem to please anyone in any choice that I make. I'm working on it, but it's coming along slowly. Truth be told, I don't think I'll ever be "alright" in the family sense.

I am just another person in the world with problems. Just another body trying to get through the day, only to wake up and begin again.

Some might say that happiness is a choice. You can either choose to be happy, or you can choose to be "not happy". This is very untrue. I want to be happy all the time, and to wake up every morning with a smile. I just can't though. I can't look forward to my day knowing what it holds for me.

And so, Dustin, I have been very happy lately. I have been looking at life differently and enjoying moments of the day.

But, like all good things, that must come to an end.

I've woken up.


Just for the sake of bragging...

To all my northern buddies:

Haha! It's the second day in November and it reached into the 80's today. The rest of the week should be much the same...nice weather...highs in the 80's, lower 70's.

One of the only perks of southern living...


Yes, you have noticed a change in my writing. I have decided to capitalize the appropriate letters in hopes that my writing might look more mature. After all, I am almost nineteen. I might as well start writing like it.

4:23 p.m. ::
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