::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

I'm having a weird day. Can you tell?

May 09, 2004
Do you suppose some people go their whole life never being happy?

I mean, do you think that there are real people out there who will go their whole life looking for something to make them happy, and never find it?

There are bound to be plenty of happy moments along the way, so how does one determine that it's not enough?

And, is it actually possible to feel completely at peace with the course of your life? Or is human nature simply designed to want more?

And if the answer is in our design, then is our "wanting more" limited to material things or are we just stuck with that feeling that we "want more"?

Is it a question of not being happy in the life you're in? How many people are entirely happy with they life they have anyway?

God has a plan. I just wish he'd answer a few questions for me.

3:42 p.m. ::
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