::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

"The team name? Uh...Atkins blows?"

May 25, 2004
*Note* If you recieved an email from me asking you to read my "HUGE entry" then it can be found one page back. Just click the previous link, and you will find it all:)


Today was awesome.

Our district manager came to our store and made us (actually made it) ice cream. Apparently, our store is above the TOP TEN PERCENT in the nation..and the ice cream was our reward. It didn't seem like much, until he pulled out the IMAX and Aquarium tickets and we all got some.

Pretty good, considering all we do is come to work everyday.

And it kept getting better....

I got to listen to Nellyville, ride in a hot pink car, win a frisbee AND get into a food fight with Paul.

I guess you could say that I'm "doing alright".

I still miss the obvious though. And I'm still holding out hope, that one day, life will return to what it should be. For once in my life, I'm being very optimistic (sp?)...and I thank God for that one.

So now, I'm off to Barnes to do some studying before I start painting. It's been a good day...

I miss you Rick.

5:05 p.m. ::
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