::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."


August 06, 2004
I don't get it.

A man came up to me today (totally randomly) and said "How does it feel to be beautiful, young and slim? Are you single? Figures. Stay that way." And then he walked off.

I just don't get it.

Why can't guys my own age say stuff like that?

I have decided that I'm not dating anymore. I'm waiting til I'm much older, and then I'm going to find a guy who appriciates me for me.

Dumb boys.


So I got the Dave Matthews Band: Live at the Gorge cd last night. It was a nice (if not slightly odd) gift, and I refused to listen to it. I don't take kindly to gifts for no reason, and so I was protesting by not listening to it.


That lasted about 15 minutes.

The second I got home, I couldn't resist putting in the DVD that came with it. And this morning at work, all I could listen to while prepping food was Dave. As a result of this, I've had Dave Matthews in my head all day, and I must have looked pretty funny singing to myself this afternoon.

What can I say? We all have a weakness...

4:23 p.m. ::
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