::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

So, what's new with you?

December 20, 2004
I haven't written in awhile...and I'm not sure why that is.

I finally got my new laptop (which most of you already know about) and I love it. I guess I love it about as much as I can love any material thing. And I'm pretty sure it loves me too:)

Work has been going great. Very busy, but the friendships and teamwork are awesome and I couldn't be much happier in that department.

I have officially decided to change my major to Communications/Journalism. I figure that I'm better suited to such, and I know that I'll be much happier.

I believe that I had a slight misunderstanding of what God was trying to tell me about my future career...so this change is for the better.

I am, however, taking on another project. I plan to go down to the children's hospital next week and sign up to be a volunteer. Sabbath school and the Youth Program aren't enough..I need to do more. And I plan on it. Donating a few hours a week isn't going to hurt me, and it's going to do a world of good for them...so it works out for everyone. Of course, this makes my schedule even tighter, but it will be worth it.

My plans for London are still in the making. I know some of you may think me a flake for backing out of the whole Australia thing, but honestly, if I change my major (which I'm going to do) then Australia isn't the place for me anymore. I'm excited about doing the things that really make me happy, and perfecting whatever skills I may already have. So this next year is going to be a big one for me.

Alright, that's all that's new with me. I need to get dressed because I'm going out to do (or at least attempt) some more Christmas shopping. Take care and have a good night guys!

5:09 p.m. ::
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