::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

No mas! No mas!

September 11, 2005
Behold, an entry decicated to The Nate's.

Ummm yeah.

I spent my evening like I spend most all my Saturday evenings. Downtown with Heather Lynn.

We enjoyed cookies and cream ice cream, watched a delightful movie at her dad's house, and then picked up Nathan. That's where it began.

I haven't seen him since last weekend, and as I generally don't make it a habit to spend large amounts of time downtown during the week, I probably won't see him again until next weekend. He and his roommate, Nathan (hence, "The Nate's"), are usually very entertaining company and while tonight was no exception...I left feeling drained.

Heather Lynn and I have a very bad habit of adoring those boys and becoming infautated with them in very odd and unhealthy ways. They are very smart, very fun, and very sweet...when they want to be. In many ways, it's hard to not adore them, but when it all comes down to it, they just aren't for us.

I truly wonder what magic they hold that keeps us coming around, and even though I promise myself nearly every week that "this is it, no mas!" I just can't help myself sometimes.

Tonight was an eye opener though. And this time, I mean it.

3:11 p.m. ::
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