::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

i hate panera.

July 27, 2003
it started with my usual "not talking." (early morning is not my thing).

then came setting up for lunch.

then the swarms of hungry church people (earlier than usual..and they brought friends).

next, the regulars. the ones who can't go a day without panera of some sort.

then came 12pm...still no break in sight. and a quick glance at the screen revealed 6 and a half minute ticket times...ugh.

1pm cleared up the crowds and finally!! a 17 minute break.

after the crowd of hungry (and generally rude) people, came the cleaning. and lots of it.

then our usual hijinks decided to kick up and for a brief ten minutes...we forgot what kind of hell we were in.

finally 4pm showed up and i went to sleep in a corner for 30 minutes before returning to my second shift. and you guessed it...back to panera.

three hours later my stomach started to hurt in the worst way and i was in much pain.

30 minutes after that i was done. finished. gone for the day. 10 hours under my belt.

and so ended another day at panera bread. where bread is our passion, soul, and expertise.

someone shoot me.

8:52 p.m. ::
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