::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Sunburns, spiders, redneck swimmers, and six new friends

June 12, 2004
The tempertaure reached 97 degrees today. The heat was still, and the breezes very few and far between.

I have a cold.

How this happened, I don't know. My throat is scratchy, my nose is running and I have a constant headache. It's summer, and I have a cold.

Despite my sniffles, I managed to make it out to Ocoee for the day with friends. Actually, I made six new friends today AND four of them were girls. Oh, happy day. It was a nice afternoon: girlie conversation, swimming, tanning and just enjoying the sun.

Starting tomorrow, the rest of my week should be just as promising:)

8:22 p.m. ::
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