::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Don't waste your time on me

July 12, 2004
My day is only half over. I have another round of work coming up in about 20 minutes, but I figured I'd write about the first half of my day. It was interesting...

One lady got mad at me cause she wanted a "No carb, no sugar latte with whip cream." No joke. The conversation went something like this:

Old lady: "I want a no carb, no sugar vanilla latte with whip cream."

Me: "Well, the whip cream has sugar in it."

Old lady: "Well whatever. I just want no carbs. No carbs."

Me: "Um...the milk has carbs in it too."

Old lady: "Fine. Whatever. Forget it. I'll just go to Starbucks. They'll give me what I want."

Oh, how I hate the Starbucks threat. Like I really care if someone threatens to go there! I could care less.

And people wonder why I hate Starbucks.

The good thing about today? A three year old red-headed little boy sent from God.

I was having an bad morning, my knee hurt, I was annoyed and it was raining. This little boy came up with his mom and was touching everything. You know how kids are, they like to play with things. His mom was trying to control him, but he kept touching our glass display bottles and wouldn't stop. So, seeing her frusteration, I gave him a styrofoam cup to hold. He smiled at me and showed me the sticker he had on his hand. Of course, I humored him and said "Wow. That sure is a cool sticker", and he smiled some more and sat quietly while his mom placed the order. When I was done and reaching for her reciept, he took the sticker off his hand and stuck it to mine. No kidding. He gave me his ladybug sticker!! It was the most generous thing anyone could have done, and it just so happened to be a three year old little boy!

God really is awesome isn't He?


And so, I'm off for another round of work. I'll be back in about five hours to update again.

3:24 p.m. ::
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