::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

Berry Kiwi and Dr. Pepper in rememberance of good times

May 03, 2005
Oh Diaryland, how I love thee.

It's amazing how blogs (I hate that word, truly) communicate with each other without actually communicating.

Hmmmmm, yes. Point made to my satisfaction...moving on...

I have two finals down, two to go. I don't like how everyone else is out of school already, I feel like the bad kid who didn't do her work all year and is now being punished for the aforementioned offense.

Goodness. Why does it always boil down to me being "the bad kid"?

Seth and I were eating dinner with his family, and the family of his sister's boyfriend (yes, lots of people) last Friday. We were sitting at the end of the table, completely oblivious to the conversation around us, and laughing at ourselves and our own little jokes. We laughed and talked so much that nobody else could get a word in with us. We were in our own little world, folks. It wasn't until the meal was almost over that I realized we'd actually been like two little kids who were banished to the end of the table because they couldn't behave sitting with the adults. Naturally, bringing up this stunning observation only caused more laughter...but still...


I offically have a month and twelve days until I leave. Plane tickets are still insanely high, and I'm not getting enough hours at Starbucks to cover the expense yet. However, I remain excited. No matter what, I will get to California, and I will have the most amazing summer. Let's all cheer for random/amazing jobs and good times on the West Coast.


Sadly, I won't be making my return trip to Seattle this year. I miss it so much that it hurts, and I can't imagine not being able to see my sister this year. It's reality though, and I'm going to have to face it. Yuck.

All right kids, that's all that is new with me. Seth is still gone, and I miss him terribly, but the band is finally recording and I'm so proud of them.

8:10 a.m. ::
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