::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."


May 17, 2005
Mmmmmm yes. Life is good.

For Christmas, I bought Jeremy one of those posters from the 'Life Is Good' store. The little snowboarder guy giving the thumbs up sign and a Life Is Good caption.

He loved it. It matched his blue wall.


I "took care of some business" last night. Ha. That's what I called it-taking care of business. Mmmm. Good times. Good song.

Okay yeah. Digression all around.


I feel the best I have in months. I have done exactly what I needed to do, said exactly what I needed to say, and I did it for myself. It hurt, yes. It was hard, oh yeah. However, in order to be right with myself..it needed to be done. And it was.

Now, I can continue with my summer plans, paint another canvas, smile because I'm happy, and call my boyfriend just to tell him I adore him.


3:10 p.m. ::
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