::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."


June 20, 2003
people are merely a reflection of their expierences and the people around them. in my case, this is very true. i wish i could say i get along with my family, and i wish i could say that they approve of me and are proud. but as we all know, wishes don't normally come true. i need to get a few things off my chest though...just for everyone who was wondering. and especially for my dad, who try as he might..just can't understand me. i am not a mean person. i am not usually an angry person. i really do like my family, but i just don't feel like i fit in. i've always been the different one, the one who has to break all the rules. you may ask yourself why, and the answer is simply "i don't know". i'm just like that. there haven't been many people who can accept that, and thats fine. but like i said in an earlier entry, acceptance is essential for me. if you can't accept me or even try to, then just don't bother with me. all of these things may sound rebellious, and they very well could be. but if you are sitting there thinking that they are, well then you don't know me very well and you have a long way to go until you do. not everything in life is black and white and not everything is what it seems. and so, if you just now meeting me after reading this then lets make it formal. "hello, my name is Cassie"....

5:21 p.m. ::
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