::Unexpected Liberation::
"drinking coffee; making plans to change the world."

"Straighten up and fly right!"

February 06, 2004
I finally got to the point today where my mind was clear.

Actually, right this minute, my mind is clear, and so I decided to write.

My biggest difficulty in life is finding where I belong. Finding my niche, so to speak, and generally surviving in the world are huge issues to me. I have never felt like I belonged, and my niche has always been hidden in the vast fantasy world that I tend to live in sometimes.

I live life looking for something. Looking for that feeling that I've read so much about, that comfort and sense of self that I'm sure will come any day now.

I surround myself with material things, and look for "more important" jobs, and even act like a grownup...when in reality, I'm just a small person in a big world.

I decided though, that even if I never find that "one" job, or have the best friends in the world, and my clothes aren't the nicest and my car is a piece...well, I'll be okay.

Because deep down, I'm very happy.

I've never felt so free, and happy, and willing to give to others and open up. I've done things in the past few months that I never thought I'd do, and become someone I could even like.

4:26 p.m. ::
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